
Special Day to Feed the Cows


Today is the birthday of the most wonderful cowherd boy, Krishna. He is glorified and worshipped by devotees worldwide as the merciful God who spent his childhood herding, protecting, and loving cows. Charitable acts on this day, especially to cows, bestows significant spiritual benefits upon the giver. ISCOWP’s Feed the Cows campaign is launched today In honor of Lord Krishna’s Birthday. ISCOWPs Matching Gift Challenge was launched August 1. Any donor who gives today for the cows will not only have his gift matched dollar for dollar but can also feed the cows and receive the benefits of giving in charity to the cows on this most special day.

Madhava (another name for Krishna) is ISCOWP’s oldest ox surviving his brother Keshava who recently passed away.

Matching Gift Challenge

The Matching Gift Challenge started on August 1, given by an anonymous ISCOWP member, will match every donor’s gift up to a total of $25,000.  So when $25,000 is given to ISCOWP the challenge is over. We are now just at the beginning of the challenge and will be announcing the milestones of the challenge on our Donations page and e-newsletters. 

Devakinandana pausing while grazing. Devaki is the name of Krishna’s mother and nandana means son of. He was rescued in 2014.

Feed the Cows

We start the Feed the Cows Campaign around this time every year because this is the time of year we purchase hay to feed the cows during the colder months. Due to climate change, we will be purchasing more hay, 250 large bales. The last two Springs have been drier longer than usual.  The weather use to always be dry here in the Spring but it did not last as long. Both Springs we had to feed out more hay than usual and consequently we had to buy it from other suppliers who charged more for less quality. So now we feel the best thing to do is purchase more hay from our usual supplier, our neighbors, Misty Morning Hounds. In the long run, we are utilizing your donations more efficiently.

On this day, Krishna’s birthday,  you can help purchase winter hay for the ISCOWP herd for a day, a week, or a month. It now takes about 250 bales of hay to feed the herd of 24 cows and costs $12, 500. Each bale of hay weighs approximately 800 pounds and will feed the ISCOWP herd for one day. The cost of each bale has gone up from $45 to $50.

One bale costs $50.
$50 to feed the herd of 24 cows for a day
$350 to feed the herd of 24 cows for a week
$1400 to feed the cows for a month

Remember whatever you give (up to $25,000) will be doubled by our anonymous matching gift donor! Please follow this link to donate and find out about our gifts to you. We will be providing milestone update reports for the Feed the Cows Campaign in upcoming e-newsletters and the donation page. Thank you!

Narayana (another name for Krishna) was rescued in 2012.


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