The cows have been in heaven this summer as the abundant rains brought plentiful and luscious grasses for them to eat. The following photos will give you an idea of the bounty the cows have been enjoying. Summer is ending soon, then fall and winter approach. Now is the time for us to fill our barn with hay for winter. Although we had a wet summer that brought luscious grass for the cows, the wet conditions made it difficult for the farmers to cut hay and therefore there is less hay available this year which raises the price.
Our year-end Matching Gift Challenge begins now and our most immediate need is to purchase hay. September 3rd is the auspicious occasion of the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna spent his childhood as a cowherd boy. As a cowherd boy, He showed us how to love and protect cows. Please take advantage of this auspicious time and consider helping feed the ISCOWP herd for a day, a week or a month. It takes about 200 bales of hay to feed the herd of 24 cows and costs about $9000. Each bale of hay weighs approximately 800 pounds and will last our cows one day. One bale costs $45.
$45 to feed the herd of 24 cows for a day
$315 to feed the herd of 24 cows for a week
$1350 to feed the cows for a month
Remember whatever you give (up to $25,000) will be doubled by our anonymous matching gift donor! Please follow this link to donate and find out about our gifts to you.