This video is the first in an upcoming series about training oxen.
“Calves Happily Reunited” shows Draupadi Amba’s recent arrival at the ISCOWP farm. Now she is reunited with Sri Vasanti who came from the same breeder. Arrangements for her rescue were made at the end of last year by ISCOWP members and friends.
This third video is about some of the cows living at ISCOWP. Adopters of these cows have seen this video as it is an update report of Jahnava, Nara, Narayana, Anasuya and Indraneela for last winter. Every season there is an update video for the adopters. To adopt a cow please click this link.
To see these videos when they are first published and join in conversations about cows and diet change please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and share on your social media.
Daytona Beach Ratha Yatra Cow Talk

We had a cow information booth at the Daytona Beach Ratha Yatra and we had the opportunity to speak about cows and diet change to the Ratha Yatra assembled audience. We want to thank Badra das for giving us the opportunity to present cow protection and Anapayini dasi who invited Balabhadra to speak. Bhadra das has been putting on several Ratha Yatras in Florida for the last 15 years with the help of members of the Alachua and surrounding devotee community. The free feast was announced as vegan.
Friendly Cows
Here are some pictures of guests being greeted by members of the ISCOWP herd.