
Cows Break The Ice


Hare Krishna!

It’s summer and always a time for visitors who want to learn about cow protection. I’m not much of a social person and the meeting and greeting is not my expertise, but leave it to the cows to “brake the ice” and make everyone feel happy and in touch with nature. Check out Alexander Shenkar’s video “Madhava Visits ISCOWP” in the same article.

Rudra the dog is better after a long stay in the vet hospital. We do not hear or see coyotes nearby and owe that to the bravery of Rudra whose service is to protect the farm. Thanks to everyone who contributed to his care.

We just got back from the Chicago Rathayatra where we had a cow protection booth and met a lot of great souls!

Black currants, raspberries, gooseberries, snap peas, lettuce, carrots, kale and roses are being harvested from the cow manure, fertilized earth. Stormy weather has created power outages and more trees are down blocking our entry road as well as disturbing the fence lines. Areas in the woods are being cleared to accommodate more cows.
Thank you for all your help.

Your servant,
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

Cows “Break the Ice”

Returning after visiting the cows in the pasture.
Returning after visiting the cows in the pasture.

Sri sometimes lays down so visitors can pet him.
Sri sometimes lays down so visitors can pet him.
Nara and Narayana greeting visitors
Nara and Narayana greeting visitors
Snake visits ISCOWP
An unexpected guest.

Rudra is Better

Rudra uses a rock as a pillow
Rudra Babaji likes to use the big rock on the patio as a pillow.

Rudra Babaji was very happy to come home after a month in the hospital. Rudra protects our gardens and cows from the groundhogs, deer, rabbits, racoons and coyotes. The injury to his leg was severe but could be fixed and cost us $3000. But now he is back chasing the rabbits and groundhogs in the garden. We haven’t heard or seen the coyotes since Rudra’s fight with them.Thank you to everyone who helped in the beginning with his care but we could still use help in fully paying the bill.

Cow Booth in Chicago

ISCOWP booth before the crowds.
Before the crowds.

I wanted to take more pictures of the visitors to the booth but we were so busy talking to people answering questions, distributing literature and selling some cow dung patties, t-shirts, dried Bitter Melon and apples that I never did take more pictures. Thank you so much to Daytia das, president of Chicago ISKCON for inviting us, Sri Gouranga das and wife for so graciously hosting us and Induleka dasi for cooking vegan meals for us. Due to them it was possible for us to spread the word about cow protection in Chicago.

Around the Farm

Clearing land to accommodate more cows. Once the underbrush is in piles we burn it. Notice in the background the height and thickness of the underbrush. Presently, grass seed is being scattered on the soil to create pasturing for the cows.
Clearing land to accommodate more cows. Once the underbrush is in piles we burn it. Notice in the background the height and thickness of the underbrush. Presently, grass seed is being scattered on the soil to create pasturing for the cows.
More trees fell down after numerous thunderstorms.
More trees fell down after numerous thunderstorms.
Different types of lavender for culinary as well as vases and crafts in foreground. In the right background is the circle garden where broccoli, three types of beans, zucchini, snap peas, carrots, strawberries, currants, etc are growing.
Different types of lavender for culinary as well as vases and crafts in foreground. In the right background is the circle garden where broccoli, three types of beans, zucchini, snap peas, carrots, strawberries, currants, etc are growing.
vegetable gardens
Another garden where Bitter Melon, pole beans, bush beans, kale, peppers, marigolds, watermelon, etc. are growing.

To help us maintain and keep these projects going you may donate here. Thank you.



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