
Cow’s Love the Fall


Hare Krishna!

The latest ISCOWP newsletter is now available in PDF file online. See a preview of the articles and cover and read the PDF file on the ISCOWP web site. The subject line of this e-newsletter is the title of one article in the newsletter.

In July we rescued two baby bull calves. Last year we rescued Madhavi. To continue to rescue more cows we need to better maintain the pastures so we can feed the present herd and any additional rescued cows. Read about how you can help us feed the cows.

We will miss the pleasant fall season as we enter into winter. The garden is now dying back. We had plenty to eat from the garden up until the writing of this e-newsletter but that will soon end now. The cows love the fall, just the right temperature for them. They are still on pasture and according to when the weather changes they will be confined to the barn area as there will be too little in the pasture for them to eat.

Thank you for all you do for cow protection.

Your servant,
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

Latest ISCOWP Newsletter


ISCOWP News Volume 22 Issue 2 Articles:

Kiss My Ox
Hawaii Ox Training
The Yoga of Cow Protection
I Am Someone, Not Something-Stop Stealing My Milk and Killing My Children
A Veterinary College Markets Cow Urine
Baby Bull Calves Rescued
Meat Consumption in China Now Double That in USA
With Your Help, More Pasture for the Cows

You Can Help Feed the Cows

In our area there are a few undesirable plants that grow naturally in the pasture which the cows will not eat like multiflora rose ( a thorned bramble ) iron weed, golden rod, gypsum weed and deadly night shade just to name a few. The common method of eliminating these undesirable plants from the pasture is to mow the pasture with a tractor.


By watching the cows graze you can see some of the plants the cows won’t eat (specifically the golden rod). By cleaning up the pastures there will be more food for the cows.
When we purchased the ISCOWP farm land in 1996 it had not been mowed for many years. We had some areas bulldozed to remove multiflora roses and other unwanted plants. Since then Balabhadra has spent many hours cutting down these plants by hand with a sickle and/or chainsaw. Since there is 80 acres of pasture land this is not only a daunting task but inefficient in controlling all the unwanted growth in the pasture. It is also a task he can no longer do physically.

The goal is to realize ISCOWP’s full pasture capacity for feeding as many cows as practically possible and to maintain healthy, sufficient pastures for the cows. Since these undesirable plants appear at different times, we need to mow the pasture every 30 days when we move the cows from one side of the farm to the other. In this way these undesirable plants will not be able to get a foot hold and grow and distribute their seeds, consequently taking food away from the cows. Therefore, by this pasture management the full usage of ISCOWP’s farm acreage is realized for feeding cows.

A tractor is a very expensive purchase and so are its necessary attachments. A tractor cannot traverse much of our grazing land which is in rough, hilly terrain. We are therefore requesting your help in purchasing an ATV with a bush hog attachment. An ATV (all-terrain vehicle) can go where a tractor cannot, is less expensive and with the bush hog attachment can efficiently mow the pastures.

ATV $5,399.00
Tires $300.00
Attached winch $400.00
Attached rack $90.00
Fees $60.00
Vehicle tax $390.45
Swisher brush hog $750.00
Total $7,308.45

You can help feed the cows by donating HERE. Thank you so much for feeding the cows!

Cows Love the Fall

Priya the ox Fall
Priya and Kalki enjoying fall pasture.
Krsna grazing.
Krsna grazing.
Krsna, Sri, Priya and Kalki grazing on sunny fall afternoon.
Krsna, Sri, Priya and Kalki grazing on sunny fall afternoon.


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