

Name: Amrita
Age: 16 year old
Birthday: April 8, 2008
Breed: Brahman
Herd Status: Princess


Introspective, slow to trust but when she places her trust in you she will come to you without any hesitation. Because she is a girl, she is smaller than her two brothers Sri and Priya. Her size is misleading as she is much empowered and has been seen leading her brothers and the other members of the herd. She has a regal bearing, a cute pouting smile, and always holds her head high. She loves to be brushed and rubbed. Friendlier to the male guests and cows than the females, she maintains a diva personality.


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Adopted by Vedant Trivedi
Adopted by Rajini and Pranav Moudgalya
Adopted by Krishna’s Minnesota Adopt A Cow Club
Adopted by Ridhi Sai Yanala

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