Baladev Dauji


Name: Baladev Dauji
Age: 2 year old
Birthday: December 26, 2021
Breed: Gir
Herd Status: Handsome Sadhu


Baladev Dauji’s mother died in the pasture when he was a month and a few days old. The following day we received a message from his breeder about how he wanted to sell the little boy as soon as possible. When we met Baladev Dauji, he was fearful and skittish. Since he was so young we felt he had a good chance of developing a relationship with us once we got him in a different atmosphere and gave him a lot of attention. After a week at ISCOWP, he became less fearful. After two weeks he no longer ran away from us. With more time we are convinced he will become friendly. It is not unusual for most breeders to look at their cows as dollar signs and not handle them or develop relationships.


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Adopted by Mohan and Veena Singhal
Adopted by Shyamala Mahler
Adopted by Maria Maither
Adopted by Bhavin Thakker
Adopted by Devaprastha das and Padma Malini dasi
Aopted by Rekha and Supreeth Shivakanth

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