

Name: Devakinandana
Age: 10 year old
Birthday: August 5, 2014
Breed: Holstein
Herd Status: Passed away 01/26/25


Devakinandana is one of the gentlest oxen in the herd and has a quiet, playful mood. He is easygoing, mingles easily with his herd mates, and is a pleasure for the ISCOWP cowherds. Devaki is often boisterous, having a lot to say about any event in the herd.  Although he has much to say about what’s happening, he never gets involved, takes sides, or confronts anyone. We were happy to be able to rescue him from the auction barn when he was a few days old, along with eight other calves. In June 2023, he had a procedure to remove some cancerous growths on his right third eyelid.


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Adopted by Krishna’s Minnesota Adopt A Cow Club
Adopted by Adopted by Damodar Priya dd & Paul Mazzella
Adopted by Ann Jackson

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