Vegan Indira


Name: Vegan Indira (Vegan)
Age: 15 year old
Birthday: February 13, 2010
Breed: Holstein
Herd Status: Everyone's friend


Vegan Indira was saved from the commercial dairy industry in December 2013. She was formerly named Jeannie. After producing 20,380 lbs of milk, miscarrying, and not being able to get pregnant, she was about to go to the auction barn to be sold for meat when Judy, who works at the dairy where Vegan lived, asked us to take her. She is gregarious and will just lick you to death. She is a pretty and really sweet cow. Due to her stay in the dairy, her tail was cut off.


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Adopted by

Adopted by Kurt Mausert (Kirtana-rasa) Law Offices and Staff
Adopted by Karthik and Kamatchi Venkataramani
Adopted by Isha Rao
Adopted by Tara Gangwar
Adopted by Tammy Doan

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