
Flabbergasted then Hopeful


Facebook and the Bill Gates Foundation did not match the donations given on Facebook to ISCOWP on November 28. Apparently, the 2 million dollars allocated for matching was used up in the first few minutes of the campaign.  We know for sure the bulk of ISCOWP donors gave in the first few minutes of the Facebook campaign. Other nonprofits are finding themselves in the same situation; a lot of time spent qualifying for the campaign and then no matching funds.  We are flabbergasted.

The good news is that you, the members of ISCOWP, donated enough funds to feed the babies their grain! Thank you!

The total ISCOWP in-house Matching Gift Challenge is $50,000. Together we have met $37, 592.25.  That means we need to collect $12,407.75 more to complete the challenge. Time is running out. The challenge ends December 31.

Happy ISCOWP herd of 25 rescued cows.

This year we authored, printed and distributed 4000 pieces of educational literature at various events and seminars. We created 80 videos with some published on our YouTube channel ISCOWP 108 which has 1, 559 subscribers. Three new cow t-shirt designs were created and printed and approximately 100 t-shirts sold. Our ISCOWP Facebook page has now 8, 912 followers and 9,185 likes and our ISCOWP Staff page has 1, 163 friends all who are educated daily about cow protection and diet change. And the ISCOWP herd of 25 rescued cows has been cared for nicely.

None of this would be possible if it were not for you, our supportive and generous ISCOWP members. You are the reason we can carry on.  We are hopeful and excited to increase our service to the cows with your help.

Here are some ways your tax-deductible donation can help the cows. We have a gift for you too!

$25= Prints 50, 16-page booklets

$50= Prints 13 one colour t-shirts

$108= One month fly control for the herd – comfort and happiness for the cows

$501 or $41.75 a month for one year = Adopt A Cow – helps us care for a cow for one year in sickness and in health -pick from a list of 25 cows – special holiday offer

$1000 =  Fly Control for the herd for one year – comfort and happiness for the cows

Or donate any amount HERE. Thank you! Have a happy holiday!



Special Note For the last 34 years, we have manually calculated and sent out tax letters. In the last two years, we have implement...

Special Note We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts as the 2nd Matching Gift Challenge for $25,000.00, launched on Nov...

Since the last e-newsletter, you have completed the first Matching Gift Challenge! Your generosity inspired the anonymous Matching...