
Ganda Needs Your Help Campaign Complete!


Hare Krsna!

All the funds needed for the “Ganda Needs Your Help” campaign have been donated by ISCOWP members! Thank you all so much! The projects are now in progress and you can read about it in this issue.

As all of you know the weather has been unseasonably hot and dry. Please pray for rain here as all the hillsides are brown. We are watering the garden almost everyday. In this issue, you can read about how the Garden is Flourishing.

The training of Madhava and Kesava is ongoing with teamster Dhananjaya. We will have some exciting news about this program in the next e-newsletter.

Thanks to the guests who came to spend some time with the cows. Take a peek at those pictures in this issue.

For your informative viewing please take a look at the video Tractorasura. It was taken from an article we wrote many years ago for the BTG. It has been dedicated to Balabhadra.

As of the writing of this e-newsletter, we are having a black out. There was a storm that came through and brought some rain and resulted in over 8000 people in this county without power.  My computer is on an extension cord through the office window attached to a small generator.

We pray you are well. Thank you for all you do for cow protection!

(Irene M. Dove)
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

Ganda Needs Your Help Campaign Progress Report

lumber for the ramp
Lumber needed to extend the hay barn roof has been purchased. All the tin needed has also been purchased. All materials are on hand for the roof contractor.
Hay Barn extended
Extension poles for the new roof have been set in the ground. Now we are waiting for the roof contractor. As you can see hay has already come and does not all fit under the present roof.
Leveling the ground for stone
Where the cow entry ramp to the barn drops, the earth is being leveled and smoothed to place stone.
Stone foundation for concrete
The stone is now being placed on the leveled ground. The next step is making the forms and pouring the concrete.

Garden is Flourishing

ISCOWP garden
There are over 200 tomato plants. Across from this area are zucchini, melons, watermelons, spinach, chard, beans and bitter melon.
raised bed gardens
We have been eating out of this garden for a couple of months. Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, berries, cilantro and lambs quarters (an eatable weed for which we have a delicious recipe). Notice the brown pasture in the background. Usually this pasture is green.

Ox Training

Madhava the oxen practicing standing
Madhava is practicing standing on command without moving until he hears the command “Get Up.”
Madhava & Dhanajaya
A single yoke and hitch just designed for Madhava and Kesava (because they are so large) is coming in a few days. Then individually they can practice pulling and doing practical work with Dhananjaya.


Jordanna & Sri the ox
Hari-Kirtana (background), a yoga teacher, brought Jordanna who met Sri.
Adopters Jithendra Myla & family visit.
Adopters Jithendra Myla & family visit.
Madhava(kirtaniya) & Madhava the ox
Madhava, the well known kirtan singer, came for lunch and visited the cows. Here, Madhava meets Madhava the ox. Balabhadra played (and continues to play) Madhava’s kirtans on his iPhone while he was very ill. Listening to Madhava’s chanting of the Maha Mantra helped Balabhadra greatly.
Guests visit ISCOWP
We met Ram Rao and wife at the festival of Inspiration and they then later came for the 24 hour kirtan and visited the cows.
Adopters Elizabeth and Hari-Kirtana visited. Here, Elizabeth meets the official greeter, Sri.
Adopters Elizabeth and Hari-Kirtana visited. Here, Elizabeth meets the official greeter, Sri.
Thaddeus meets Sri. He came with Hari-Kirtana who wrote about his visit in his blog.
Thaddeus meets Sri. He came with Hari-Kirtana who wrote about his visit in his blog.


Thank you! Thank you! You have completed the Feed the Cows Campaign, surpassing the $18,750.00 needed to feed the ISCOWP herd! Tog...

In the last e-newsletter, we launched the Feed the Cows Campaign. The cost of hay for the ISCOWP herd is $18,750.00. So far, you h...

Today is the birthday of the most wonderful cowherd boy, Krishna. Devotes worldwide glorify and worship him as the merciful God wh...