Hare Krsna!
All the funds needed for the “Ganda Needs Your Help” campaign have been donated by ISCOWP members! Thank you all so much! The projects are now in progress and you can read about it in this issue.
As all of you know the weather has been unseasonably hot and dry. Please pray for rain here as all the hillsides are brown. We are watering the garden almost everyday. In this issue, you can read about how the Garden is Flourishing.
The training of Madhava and Kesava is ongoing with teamster Dhananjaya. We will have some exciting news about this program in the next e-newsletter.
Thanks to the guests who came to spend some time with the cows. Take a peek at those pictures in this issue.
For your informative viewing please take a look at the video Tractorasura. It was taken from an article we wrote many years ago for the BTG. It has been dedicated to Balabhadra.
As of the writing of this e-newsletter, we are having a black out. There was a storm that came through and brought some rain and resulted in over 8000 people in this county without power. My computer is on an extension cord through the office window attached to a small generator.
We pray you are well. Thank you for all you do for cow protection!
(Irene M. Dove)
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director
Ganda Needs Your Help Campaign Progress Report

Garden is Flourishing

Ox Training
