Hare Krishna!
Thanks to all of you for donating to complete these three projects: building two new ramps for the entry to the cow barns, building an extension on the hay barn and replacing the leaky hay barn roof.The cows are really enjoying the two new ramps which now affords them easier access to the barns.You can read about completing the ramps and about completing the hay barn roof and extension below.
Balabhadra held a cow protection booth at the Toronto Rathayatra and met many new friends. So much thanks to Raj Grover and family for hosting and helping in this endeavor. Next year we will be sure to have pictures.
A side note is that the garden is now pumping with tomatoes, zucchini, tomatillos, peppers, cilantro, greens and beans. Canning and drying is going on everyday. It must be the cow manure as the only fertilizer that encourages good growth. And thank the Lord for the rains that have come which have brought some green to the pastures and saved much of the garden which was suffering from the unusual, extreme dry weather.
Thank you for all you do for cow protection.
Your servant,
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director
Ganda’s Ramp Fixed!

Barn Roof is Up!

Garden is Pumping!