Since the last e-newsletter, you have completed the first Matching Gift Challenge! Your generosity inspired the anonymous Matching Gift donor to sponsor another Matching Gift Challenge for $25,000.00! Since the challenge was launched on November 3, $20,648.23 has been donated! We are awed by your support! Thank you! Thank you! Don’t miss this opportunity to double the value of your donation by giving now to the cows!
Hay Has Arrived
Due to your support, the ISCOWP barn is now full of hay for the cow’s winter feed. As the cows eat the hay and the barn becomes less full, more hay will be delivered.

It took four truckloads (like the one in the top photo) to deliver 83 hay bales. Knowing there is plenty of hay for the cows is a blessing. Thank you everyone!
The Same Day the Hay Arrived
After the hay was delivered early in the morning, later in the morning, a threatening fire began in a nearby field. Since we have not had much rain, a fire can move rapidly, fed by dry grass and pine needles. The local fire department came and managed to put out the fire. Later in the day, the area started to smoke again, and we could see fire sparks. The fire department came again and put the fire to final rest. We considered ourselves fortunate as our hay barn was not so far away.

When the danger was over, we went inside and discovered no water. We called our well service, and they discovered we needed to replace our 9-year-old pump. The depth of the well is 45 feet. We took off a panel of the roof to access the well.
Still in Action
William E. Dove (Balabhadra das), co-founder of ISCOWP, has been battling multiple health issues. But he is happy to do whatever service he can for the cows. Here, he offers dhoop Arati to our Lord Giriraj and the cows.