Volume 10 Issue 1


Articles Include:

Letters, (Extending Lactation in Cows, Machine Milking vs. Hand Milking, Family Owned Farms vs. Community Owned Farms, Milking Breeds, Milking Duration, Virgin Cow Giving Milk?),Training Lessons Revised, Mad Cow Disease and Humans, How to Make Your Own Butter, ISCOWP Update, World Ideologies as Explained by Reference to Cows



Special Note We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts as the 2nd Matching Gift Challenge for $25,000.00, launched on Nov...

Since the last e-newsletter, you have completed the first Matching Gift Challenge! Your generosity inspired the anonymous Matching...

Today begins Diwali, the Hindu festival celebrating good over evil and light over darkness. Diwali lasts for five days. Also, we a...