Volume 16 Issue 2


Articles Include:
Letters: (Vegetarian Food, Cosmetics & Body Care Products Alert, World Grain Stocks Fall to 57 Days of Consumption: Supermarkets and Services Stations Now Competing for Grain), ISCOWP Update, ISCOWP Outreach, Life With the Cows and Land< Simple Life at Vraja-dhama, Working Villages, Inc., Facts



Blackshirt.construction.BeefXDairy Vegetarians may think they are morally and ethically doing well by not eating meat. It is true ...

Siya, her baby (now named Gopi), and Lalita (an orphaned calf) arrived at their forever home, ISCOWP cow sanctuary, on May 10. A s...

ISCOWP is in the process of saving a mother cow, her baby, and another calf whose mother died from a snake bite. Due to the genero...