
Joyfully Free From the Dairy


Hare Krsna!

Kalindi Vijaya had a joyful arrival Sunday March 15. Thank you so much all ISCOWP members who helped to rescue Kalindi and bring her to ISCOWP.

Kalindi arrived Sunday and Sunday is the day the dairy she came from sends cows to slaughter. She is wondering if it is safe to step down.
Kalindi arrived Sunday and Sunday is the day the dairy she came from sends cows to slaughter. She is wondering if it is safe to step down.

A video of her running and jumping in joy can be viewed in the below.
To see how some of the other cows/calves got through the winter, see below.

Thank you so much!
Your servant and friend,
(Irene M. Dove)
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

Kalindi’s Joyful Arrival


kalindi5 kalindi6

Rescued Cow Jumps With Joy

Kalindi Vijaya meets Abhay and the other calves.
Kalindi Vijaya meets Abhay and the other calves.

How Some Cows/Calves Got Through the Winter

Narayan Winter Update 2015

Abhay (on far right) Winter Update

Vishaka Winter Update



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