We are happy to report progress in establishing ISCOWP in Florida. The two barns are built, the entire perimeter of the property has been fenced and the mobile home in which Lakshmi is living is in place. The entire contents of Lakshmi’s house in West Virginia have been moved to the barn in Florida until the ISCOWP center is built. This barn will eventually be used for canning and preserving, workshop and equipment storage. We are very thankful to the crews in WV ( Mukunda, Giri, Vraja Dham and Bhakta John and his friends) and FL (Jatayu, Radha Kund dd, Tulasi, Sankirtan, Jay Nitai, Braja Mandala and Bhakta Nathan) for making it possible to load and unload Lakshmi’s house quickly.
We can start moving the cows now that the perimeter fencing is completed and there is an experienced staff member in station full time. This will take some time as we can only move a few at a time. The first group will be four of the calves rescued last year. This group will be moving this coming Monday. Our next e-newsletter should have photos of some of the cows at their new Florida home.

Visitors Meeting the Cows in West Virginia
In the springtime we had a few guests. Now that we will be hauling cows and belongings to Florida it will not be as possible to host guests to meet the cows. We like to have at least two experienced staff members to accompany the guests for safety sake. Due to the move we will not have two experienced staff members on hand at all times for the next few months.

Cows Enjoying Last Year’s WV Clearing Project