Hare Krishna!
Shelda Bloomingdale passed away Sunday. She was a great friend to the cows and volunteered many hours to their care. Please read about her and pray that she may have peace and happiness on her journey.
The rescued bull calves Nara and Narayana are doing exceptionally well with their training process! View a video of their first lesson and read more about their progress in the article, Nara & Narayana Get A+.
As the season of giving approaches, ISCOWP and the cows have a wish list. If you would like to help us fulfill the list please read the article Wish List or donate here.
In our last e-newsletter we had a fundraiser for an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and attachment to enable us to mow the undesirable weeds and plants in the pasture that the cows won’t eat. This was to gain more pasture for the cows enabling ISCOWP to protect as many cows as possible on its 165 aces. In response to this fundraiser we received some questions as to why we are not using oxen for the mowing. In the fundraiser we failed to cover that topic. Our farm is in hilly West Virginia. This area is not enviable farm land. It has deep ravines and almost all the pasture is hilly with steep hillsides. In a lot of cases we are traversing the land at a 15 to 30 degree angle. It is usually in these areas that there is an abundance of undesirable plants. At the same time, the cows have no problem grazing these areas if tasty plants were growing there. To have a pair of oxen pull a machine behind them at this angle is an accident waiting to happen. Balabhadra, president of ISCOWP, decided a long time ago that safety for the oxen is the first priority.
Thank you so much for all you do for cow protection.
Your servant,
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director
Wish List
$500 | Wiring harness and brakes for cow trailer |
$6,639.00 | ATV* to pull attachment to mow weeds the cows won’t eat |
$750.00 | ATV* attachment to mow the weeds the cows won’t eat from the pasture |
$500-$1000 | Business grade printer |
$14 each | Cow halters of various sizes |
$10 each | Cow lead ropes (attached to halters) |
$5 each | Cow grooming brushes |
Whatever you can contribute to these items would be greatly appreciated. Click here to donate online or write a check to ISCOWP, 885 Oxen Drive, Moundsville, WV 26041. We have gifts for you too! Just refer to the ISCOWP donation page to find what they are.
ATV* All Terrain Vehicle
Nara & Narayan Get A+
Nara and Narayan were rescued by ISCOWP in June 2012. Narayan (the one with the heart shape on his forehead) was ill with respiratory problems. We nursed them both with milk supplement through milk bottles. Narayan got medicine in his bottle and through injections. At this time, Narayana is hardly coughing anymore and is just a bit smaller than Nara. In the beginning Narayana was much smaller and not growing. In September we walked them to a nearby pasture and put halters on them. Then once in a while we led them around with an attached lead rope. This video shows the first time we seriously started training. They are now almost six months old. We are amazed at how quickly they are learning and how cooperative they are in the training process. We are training them quite regularly now and they are advancing very quickly. We will have to take another video soon to show you.
You can view a Facebook album of training pictures HERE.

Shelda Passes Away

Shelda Bloomingdale was a selfless person who greatly cared for all animals. She volunteered many hours to ISCOWP in so many ways and was a hard worker and a wonderful cook. She passed away suddenly of a blood clot. We will greatly miss her as she was a good friend, a tremendous help and could always be depended upon to do the needful. It is very difficult to write about her as it was yesterday she passed. We pray for her always on her journey that she may find eternal happiness.
When Vraja, the king of the herd, passed away in 2006 she wrote about him in the ISCOWP Newsmemorial issue. Just click here and follow the link Vraja and Related Stories, hers is the third story.