By The Foxfire Fund, Inc.
Post Office Box 541
Mountain City, GA 30562-0541
PH# (706) 746-5828, FAX: (706) 746-5829 [email protected],
A series of books recording the lives and practical skills of the “old timers”- of the Appalachian mountains. Such topics as: log cabin building, mountain crafts, spinning and weaving, wagon making, midwifing, corn shucking’, wild plant foods, butter churns, ginseng, spring houses, sassafras tea, berry buckets, gardening, iron making, blacksmithing, a water-powered sawmill and other fascinating topics.
The Forgotten Crafts, A practical guide to traditional skills
by John Seymour
Distributed by Outlook BOOK Company, a Random House Company, 225 Park Avenue South, New York, new York, 10003,
Published by Portland House
ISBN 0-517-05400
Making wagon wheels, barrels, rakes…building walls of mud brick or sod… laying hedges… spinning and weaving… burning charcoal – these and dozens of other traditional crafts were once part of everyday life. Today they are on the edge of extinction. This book shows and describes in fascinating detail just how they were done.
The Lore of the Land
by James Seymour
ISBN 0-8052-3836-0
Skills in humane land care.
Stocking Up III
by Carol Hupping and Rodale Press
Available from Rodale Press
627 pages
ISBN 0-87596-613-4 Hardcover
Preserving your own food is not only fun and delicious – it’s also cheaper and healthier, too! You’ll love these hints, tips and step-by-step instructions for freezing, canning, drying and storing just about every food imaginable. Plus hundreds of simple recipes so you can make your own jams, jellies, pickles, relishes, cheeses, ice cream, beverages, breads, and more!!