Farm Conveniences and How to Make Them
By Dennis Boyles
A fascinating volume abounding in valuable hints and suggestions for the easy and quick construction of homemade farming and homesteading devices. First published in 1884, it contains the best ideas gathered from farmers, and teaches valuable lessons in rural economy. Also an everyday handbook, it provides instructions on; how to use wastelands, prevent the washing of hillsides, harvest manure, build shelters, and much more.
Handy Farm Devices, and How to Make Them
By Rolfe Cobleigh
Lyons Press, 123 West 18 St. New York, NY 10011
ISBN 1-55821-432-1
A classic from the Golden Age of American Farming, is as useful and pertinent for home-steaders and small scale farmers today as it was when it was first published more than seventy-five years ago. A wealth of labor and money-saving projects fills its pages: spill-proof chicken waterers; a light weight orchard ladder; a small truss bridge; an easy fence-post and stump-puller; gates that don’t sag; gates that lift over snowdrifts; a handy wood splitter – even a bicycle-powered washing machine.
Water Lifting Devices
by P.L. Fraenkel
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,(FAO), 1986,
Via delle Terme di Caracalla,00100, Rome Italy
First Edition, ISBN 92-5-102525-0
The primary purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for comparing and choosing between all present and (near) future options for lifting irrigation water on small and medium sizes land-holdings (generally in the range 0.25 ha to say 25 ha)