Caring for Cows
By Valerie Porter with illustrations by Sally Seymore
Available from Diamond Farm Book Publishers
15 b &w photos; many line drawings. 144 pages.
A guide to cow keeping that places primary emphasis on the welfare of the cow and on organic principles. There is no need, as the book shows, to put a strain on the cow’s udder nor to cause anguish by separating cow and calf almost at birth, sensible information is included on all aspects of care: feeding, housing, breeding, health, milking and dairy produce.
Cow Protection, An Imperative
By Arun Bhatt and Sarvanarayan das, foreword by Vimala Thakur
Published by: Bombay Sarvodaya Friendship Centre, Friendship Building, Kaljupada Pipe Line Road, Kula, Bombay 400 072
PH# 022-861-3660
Dialogue at Deonar (Bombay) Asia’s biggest slaughterhouse. A Satyagraha is conducted at its gate demanding: a complete ban on slaughter of the cow and its progeny in a predominantly agricultural country such as India, and an embargo on all meat-exports.
The street is crowded with bullocks, shortly to be led into the slaughterhouse. A group of visitors at the abattoir on a study tour are astonished at the sight of hundreds of healthy bullocks.
Cow Protection Book 1
This book contains quotes from Srila Prabhupada on cow protection, the how-to of cow protection, cow protection standards, the benefits of cow by-products, informative letters from practicing cow protectors, etc. This book was produced by ISCOWP while serving as the ISKCON Global Ministry for Cow Protection.
ISKCON Minimum Cow Protection Standards (English)
ISKCON Minimum Cow Protection Standards (Spanish)
ISCOWP published these standards which are ISKCON law 507 with the assistance of other cow protectors in ISKCON while serving as the ISKCON Global Ministry for Cow Protection.
Dairy Cattle Selection, Feeding & Management
Yapp, William Wodin and William Barber Nevens
Publisher NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1947
Good Earth Books Evansville, IN
.3rd Edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/4. 455 pages, b &w photos.
Selecting the Dairy Cow; Choosing a Breed; Determining Milk and Butterfat Yields; Applying the Principles of Heredity to Dairy Cattle Breeding; Feeding the Dairy Cow During the Winter Season; Feeding the Dairy Cow During the Pasture Season; Preserving and Preparing Roughages for Dairy Cattle Feeding; Caring for and Marketing Dairy Products from the Farm; Rearing the Dairy Calf; Feeding and Developing Dairy Heifers; Managing the Dairy Herd; Treating the Ailments of Dairy Cattle; Buying and Selling Dairy Cattle; Planning and Equipping the Dairy Barn; Caring for Manure and Conserving the Soil; more.
The Family Cow
by Dirk van Loon.
Garden Way Publishing, Charlotte, Vermont 05445,1976.
ISBN 0-88266-066-7, 262 pgs.
The author, a Cornell graduate in agriculture [Cornell is a noted agriculture school], had extensive practical experience keeping a family cow at his home in Nova Scotia, where he also wrote children’s books. Mr. van Loonsense a strong and logical trend back to family farming in many areas of the United States and Canada. *The Family Cow* is complete, with data charts and tables, glossary of agricultural terms and source lists of books and equipment. Contents: History and behavior of the cow; Nutritionalneeds, from grass to milk; Buying a cow – the sources, breeds and factors to consider; Handling techniques, housing and fencing; Feeds and feeding – cow and calf; Milking and uses of milk; Health and diseases, breeding and calving; Growing feed crops, use of manure.
Protecting Cows: A Handbook Of The Principles & Practices Of Vegetarian Cow Husbandry
Compiled & Written by Syamasundara. dasa (Stuart Coyle)
Farm Manager
Bhaktivedanta Manor Cow Protection Project
Hilfield Lane, Aldenham, Herts WD25 8EZ UK
Tel 01923 855350/857244
e mail: [email protected]
Hatagra Publishing, 24 Western Road, Hove, Sussex BN3 1AF
1998, ISBN 9 9525882 1 8
Cow care from a Krishna Conscious cow protector’s viewpoint. This book can be used as a guide to understand the more detailed information given about cow care by authors who are not lifetime cow protectors contained in this bibliography. Since ISCOWP recommends training oxen by voice commands as explained in Paramananda das’s publication Ox Power – Ki Jaya! An Ox Power Handbook, Training oxen by Voice Commands by Balabhadra das, along with International authors like Drew Conway, the section of this book on the use of nose rings as an ox training method is not endorsed.
Secular Cow Economy by Shri Venishankar M. Vasu
Dung is Gold Mine by Shri Venishankar m. Vasu