Greener Pastures on Your Side of the Fence: Better Farming with Voisin Management Intensive Grazing
by Bill Murphy
Arriba Publishing, 212 Middle Road, Colchester, Vermont05446, USA.
Third Edition, 0-9617807-2-X, 353 pp.
Here’s where you learn the modern-day version of the rotational grazing method begun by those most famous cowherds of all, Krishna and Balaram.
Grass Productivity
By Andre Voisin
Available from Small Farmer’s Journal
This is the book, originally printed in 1959, that started a worldwide revolution in thought, and practice, about grass land management. Voisin was a scientist who also raised livestock. His patient eye and analytical mind resulted in this book which structures his observations, conclusions and practices into a formula any farmer and rancher may use to excellent advantage