Seed Catalogs

The Abundant Life Seed Foundation
PO Box 772, Port Townsend, WA 98368
This is a non-profit organization that has been dedicated to preserving the genetic diversity of plants for 25 years. They publish a yearly seed and book catalog that many will find to be a valuable resource.Their seed offerings include herbs and grains. They have seven pages of book titles on gardening, agriculture and sustainable living.

Bountiful Gardens
A project of Ecology Action
5798 Ridgewood Road, Willits CA 95490
Phone/FAX 707-459-6410
e-mail: [email protected]
Bio-intensive, organic, and naturally-grown seeds,untreated and open-pollinated offered internationally.

Garden Seed Inventory
by the Seed Savers Exchange [directory to open pollinated seeds, info on where to order 6,438 standard vegetables)
If anyone is interested in a source for non-hybrid seeds there is a book printed by Seed Savers Exchange called Garden Seed Inventory that lists all such seed available in the US and Canada. Anyone who plants anything should think about growing non-hybrid varieties so that if disaster strikes and seed sources are no longer available, at least the planting can go on.

Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Foss Hill Road, Albion, ME 04910, USA.
Johnny’s, located in Albion, Maine cultivates 4000 varieties of seeds, acclimated to northern farming. They specialize inorganic seeds and sell many open-pollinated varieties, which – unlike hybrids – can be raised to produce their own seeds.Johnny’s has its own WEB site.

Salt Spring Seeds
Box 444, Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2W1, Canada
Salt Spring Seeds offers only certified organic seeds for food crops. The emphasis is on high-protein, good tasting, and high yielding crops. The selection of grains, particularly hull-less wheat and barley, is extensive. All varieties are adapted to northern areas.

Seeds of Change
PO Box 15700, Santa Fe, NM 87506
Toll free order # 1-888-762-7333
[email protected]

Seeds and Seedlings are: 100% Certified organic 100&Open-pollinated (self-reproducing, non-hybrid) 100% GMO-free (no genetically modified organisms)

Seed Savers Exchange
3076 N. Winn Rd., Decorah IA 52101
PH@ 1-319-382-5990, FAX{ 1-319-382-5872
The SSE offers rare and heirloom vegetable, fruit trees,and flower seeds from seed savers all across the USA and abroad. Roughly 8000 members worldwide.

Thomas Etty Esq. Seedsman, Bulb Merchant
45, Forde Ave Bromley, Kent BRI 3RU, England
PH# 0181-466-6785
Seeds from Henry Doubleday Foundation gardens (which has over 700 varieties and their aim is to make available to farmers and growers the outlawed varieties that are not dependent on pesticides and chemical fertilizers) and Thomas Eyys, Seedsman, are offered through their catalog and through Seed Savers Exchange