Yesterday we visited a registered Brown Swiss dairy where two bull calves are destined for slaughter as they can not produce milk.
We want to rescue them. They would have to be bottle fed for about 6 months and given a lot of personal attention.
We lost 3 cows since 2015 due to old age and have room for them. Often the bull calves are forgotten about when there is a discussion about cow protection. ISCOWP staff would like to train these two bull calves as an ox team to show their usefulness and therefore present an argument against their slaughter. The training would be documented by a monthly video to become an educational resource. A written manual with practical instruction and spiritual reasoning for the training will accompany the training videos.
To finance these goals we are offering the opportunity to name these two calves. A first donor of $1000 can give Heart Breaker # 1 or Heart Breaker # 2 calf a name. On the donation page there is a place where you can indicate what purpose you would like your donation to be used for. Just indicate which calf you wish your donation to go to by typing “Heart breaker 1” or “Heart breaker 2.” The second and third donors for each bull calf can give a name also which will give the calf three names, as many pedigree cows/bulls have three names or more. All donors of $1000 will receive an arati and treats offered to the cows invoking blessings for the donor, an ISCOWP t-shirt and tote bag and an organic dried produce gift from our farm. You can name the calves here.
Another way to help with this rescue is to adopt one of these calves. What you receive with an adoption plan is explained here. Here is a photo of each calf and a link where you can adopt them.

Please help us save these calves and educate others to appreciate them. Any donation will help. And don’t forget, due to the Matching Gift Challenge your donation is doubled dollar for dollar until December 31. You and other ISCOWP members have reached beyond the $25,000 challenge before the deadline and now the same anonymous donor has offered another $25,000 challenge until December 31! Let’s meet that one too and together have the ability to achieve more for the cows next year.
Don’t forget ISCOWP is a 501(c3) organization and therefore your gift is tax deductible, EIN # 23-2604082. We are very excited to have these needy and beautiful calves join the ISCOWP herd and to embark on an educational mission. Please help us do this. It is only because of your help that we have been able to protect cows and educate about cow protection for the last 26 years. We really don’t know how to thank you but to continue with all our energy to serve the cows. On this Thanksgiving day we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Eternally Thankful,
Balabhadra (William E. Dove), Chayadevi (Irene M. Dove), Lakshmi D. Dove & Balaji T. Dove
ISCOWP Managing Directors