
Rescued Bull Calves Safe


Due to your generosity Heart Breaker #1 and Heart Breaker #2  were rescued from the dairy a week ago. They are now safe at the ISCOWP farm. Heartbreaker #1 is now known as Dhruva Ladhu and Heart Breaker #2 is now known as Kalyan Tamal. They will be protected for life and trained as an ox team to show their usefulness as an argument against their slaughter.

In the dairy business bull calves are considered useless because they do not produce milk. Unless rescued they will be sold as meat.

The following video gives a more detailed account of their story.

A monthly training video will be posted showing the step by step training process. You can adopt them to help protect them. As of this posting they are not adopted.

dsc_3019Dhruva Ladhu blog

Adopt Dhruva Ladhu.

dsc_3012kalyan blog

Adopt Kalyan Tamal.

If it were not for the generosity of ISCOWP members these two bull calves would have by now become meat, or worse living out their lives in a veal crate unable to move. Thank you!

The Matching Gift Challenge is striving now to reach the second $25,000 challenge which ends December 31, 2016. The challenge is for  a total of $50,000.00 and as of December 1 ISCOWP members have gifted $32, 933.18. Keep in mind that ISCOWP is a 501 (c)3 organization and therefore your donation is tax deductible. Whatever donation you make at this time will be doubled dollar for dollar! Please donate today. Thank you!



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