
See You There


1) September 29 – October 1
Save the Cow Kirtan Mela
Hosted by ISKCON New Talavan
Located in Carriere, Mississippi.
ISCOWP will be having a booth with t-shirts and literature and Balabhadra (William E. Dove, ISCOWP president) will be giving a workshop on “Holistic Cow Protection” including some of the protected cows at  New Talavan.

2) October 13-15
Back to the Basics-Farm Conference
Hosted by ISKCON GBC Ministry of Agriculture and Cow Protection and ECO-Vrindaban
Located in New Vrindaban, West Virginia.
All are invited to a weekend of presentations and workshops on Organic Farming, Cow Care, Ox Training, Ahimsa Lifestyle, Herbs, Flower Production, and so much more. Hiking, prasadam (food offered to Krishna) and Krishna all in the beautiful hills of New Vrindaban, West Virgina. Only $108 (including room and prasadam) for 3 days and 2 nights. To register call 304-843-1600, ext 111. Balabhadra das (William Dove, is president of ISCOWP and former ISKCON Global Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture) will be giving an ox training seminar “Bulls are the Basis” with oxen that are being trained at New Vrindaban by Chaitanya Bhagavata, a former student of Balabhadra’s.

3) October 28
12th Annual Central Florida VegFest
Hosted by Vegetarians of Central Florida
Located in Orlando Festival Park
One of the largest and longest-running vegetarian festivals in the world! ISCOWP will be having an information booth offering literature and t-shirts.

4) November 4
Tamba Bay VegFest
Hosted by Florida Voices for Animals
Located in Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park in downtown, Tampa Florida
Over 4000 people attended last year’s event and more are expected this year. ISCOWP will be having an information booth offering literature and t-shirts.

See You on YouTube – New Ox Training Videos

Two new videos have been posted on ISCOWP108 as part of the playlist Step by Step Training Oxen by Voice Commands.

Were You There?


August 19, 2017 we had a cow protection info booth at the Rathayatra Cultural Festival in Jacksonville, Florida. Since all hands were busy with visitors we asked 8 year old Balaji to take some pictures. Here is what he captured.



Special Note For the last 34 years, we have manually calculated and sent out tax letters. In the last two years, we have implement...

Special Note We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts as the 2nd Matching Gift Challenge for $25,000.00, launched on Nov...

Since the last e-newsletter, you have completed the first Matching Gift Challenge! Your generosity inspired the anonymous Matching...