
Welcome New Cows


Special Note

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts as the 2nd Matching Gift Challenge for $25,000.00, launched on November 3, was completed by you on December 12. Thank you! Thank You!

How You Can Help the New Cows

Two young female and two young male cows were rescued on Sunday, December 8, 2024. As mentioned in our previous e-newsletters, we had made arrangements for their rescue, but their owner was too busy with hurricane damage to finalize the arrangement. It was only recently we could take them home. We are just now getting to know them and will write more about their personalities as we experience more interaction with them.

None of them have names. Anyone who adopts one of them for life can name the cow they adopted. All adoptions or gifts are appreciated as they help us cover the expense of rescuing and caring for them for their entire lives. You can make your adoption or gift a tribute to someone special in your life with our e-card tribute option. Below are a few photos and the link to where the new cows can be adopted. Thank you for whatever you can gift during this giving season. We are thankful and grateful for your help!

The New Cows

You Can Adopt Young Girl # 1 here.

You can adopt Young Girl # 1 here.

This little girl was born on April 11, 2024. She lived in the forest until a month ago when she and the other three rescued cows were corralled.  Then, they had the opportunity to be around humans.

You Can Adopt Young Boy #1 here.

You can adopt Young Boy # 1 here.

This young boy was born on March 10, 2024. He looks like he will grow into a big, strong young man.

You Can Adopt Young Girl #2 here.

You can adopt Young Girl #2 here.

This young girl was born on June 15, 2024.

You Can Adopt Young Boy #2 here.

Young boy #2 is the all-red one inside the gate. Adopt him here.

This young boy was born on April 5, 2024.

The Day They Came Home to Their Forever Home

Four rescued young cows/bulls just arrived at their forever home at ISCOWP cow sanctuary. They are beginning to relax and become familiar with their surroundings. We will be posting more later.

Watch them enter their forever home here.


Our veterinarian, Dr. Jill, is innovative and dedicated to finding ways to administer medical care to cows and other livestock as ...

Special Note For the last 34 years, we have manually calculated and sent out tax letters. In the last two years, we have implement...

Special Note We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts as the 2nd Matching Gift Challenge for $25,000.00, launched on Nov...