When people see the words Cow Protection on the top front of our tent they wonder, “What does that mean?” That moment is a wonderful opportunity to talk about the cows and explain the philosophy of cow protection and a cruelty-free diet. Most people tolerantly listen to what is a new concept for many of them. Here are a few places we traveled to share the meaning of cow protection.
One of the LARGEST and LONGEST-RUNNING vegan festivals in the WORLD!

The North American ISKCON Cow Conference was held at ISKCON New Vrindaban located in West Virginia. Cow protection and a vegetarian diet are essential ingredients of the Hare Krishna Movement. At the conference, ISCOWP’s William Dove (Blabhadra das) gave a live demonstration of training oxen with friend and student, Chaitanya Bhagavat. He also presented a narrated slideshow about what the oxen can practically contribute to farming and a Srimad Bhagavatam class explaining the importance of cow protection and diet within the Hare Krishna Movement. We have video footage of these events. In subsequent newsletters, we will show you these videos as they are published.

This festival was hosted by the Hare Krishna devotees of the ISKCON New Talavan farm community in Mississippi, USA. There were many first time visitors to the farm who had never heard the term cow protection explained. It was a privilege to be able to introduce them to the cows and cow protection. William Dove (Balabhadra das) gave three Srimad Bhagavatam classes about the importance of cow protection. The Srimad Bhagavatam is one of the holy scriptures of the Hare Krishna Movement. Below is a video of one of the classes entitled Krishna is a Cowherd Boy.