
Your Feed the Cows Donation Matched


Please help us pay for the ISCOWP herd’s winter hay. The cows are still on pasture now but once winter comes there will be little grass to eat.  Our anonymous donor will match your donation dollar for dollar up to $25,000. Your gift gets doubled in value for the cows!

Our herd consists of cows rescued from dairies, auction barns and slaughterhouses and is fully supported by your donations. Many of our herd were rejects, unwanted cows. A donation to their feed is an act of kindness that makes the world a better place.

For those ISCOWP members of Hindu and Hare Krishna faith, it is still the sacred time of Karthik in which any act of charity to the cows will bring spiritual blessings.

Please donate HERE.

Or donate through this video. Just click the words “Feed the Cows” in the upper right-hand corner. Thank you so much! Yours, William & Irene Dove (Balabhadra das & Chayadevi)




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