
Since 1990, ISCOWP has been educating the public about cow protection’s value, purpose, importance, and practical application. In the nonvirtual world, we have conducted seminars, workshops, demonstrations, and classes mostly about practical applications. Here on our website, we have some extensive resources for your research needs. Following is a menu with links to locations on our website where you can find educational information. To the right of each of the pages, Resources/Links, Publications, and E-newsletters, there is a search box that should prove helpful. We also have a search box on the bottom of the page for the entire website.


We have a library in our home of many books covering a wide range of topics that we have found helpful for our everyday life here on our farm and future planning. Many of the educational materials resourced here are in our library. Also included are links to valuable websites/videos, some of the books, etc. Topics include cow care, Cow Protection Book 1, breeds, barns, feeding, fencing, hoof care, agricultural economics, seed books, catalogs, etc. The search box on the right of this page should help tremendously.


This page is the archive of ISCOWP Newsletters and publications. Click on the year in the search box to see a list of topics featured in each issue & a link whereby you can view or download a pdf version of each issue. Herein are 26 years of newsletters with tons of information on all aspects of cow protection. On the search box on the right, you can search by year or topic. The search box does not include the pdf files, only the information in each publication’s description, which we are still working on. So a browse of the PDF files may show up additional information. We are writing a book about our ISCOWP founder’s life and the development of ISCOWP, containing many a cow story.


These e-newsletters began in January 2010. Although they are primarily the current ISCOWP news for each month, some contain spiritual, practical, and research information. You can search them by year or by using the top search box on the right; you can find information in each e-newsletter.


If you follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, you will find many “shorts” or “reels” about the everyday activities of cows. You can find most of our educational and longer videos on our YouTube channel. The cow protection categories on the ISCOWP108 YouTube page are the spiritual aspect,  “how-to,” cow and ox training, cow rescue, life with the cows and land, ISCOWP kids with cows, popular uploads, and shorts. This page has an example of each category and a link to the YouTube playlist.

Seminars / Workshops

This page is new and is under construction.

We have given classes, workshops, and seminars at locations worldwide. This page will be a sampling of those events.