
Protect Cows, Build the Barn Roof!


Hare Krishna,

The latest ISCOWP News is now online. It is dedicated to Bhima and Radhe Shyam who passed away recently. You may read more about them and their passing by reading pages four and five of the newsletter. We are greatly missing them and pray for their safe and joyous passing.

Balabhadra, ISCOWP president, is recovering from the Guillian-barre Syndrome he acquired while traveling in Ukraine. This is a very debilitating disease with slow recovery. With Balabhadra being the main person on the ground, his illness has greatly affected us all and we have had to readjust our goals for this year. With your help, we have been able to carry on with the basic ISCOWP operation until Balabhadra fully recovers. Balabhadra’s health update can be found on page seven.

We have discovered that the geriatric barn roof has been compromised due to the previous winter snows. Please help us replace this roof so the old and ill cows can be protected. You may find more information at the last article of this newsletter. To donate to this project and find out about our gifts to you please click HERE. Thanks so much!

We pray this letter find you well.

Yours, Chayadevi
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

P.S. Just a note to let you know that the email that went out from one of our email addresses about working from your home was a scam not authorized by us. Please forgive the inconvenience. The problem is now fixed.

Vol 21 Issue 1 Online!

ISCOWP news volume 21 issue 1
Some Articles Included:

Friends Pass Away
Geriatric Barn Roof Needs Your Help!
ISCOWP Farm Update
Ox Power in Slovakia
All About You (Reiki and Cows)
ISCOWP in Ukraine
Q & A: Want Milk?
Protecting Cows in Slovenia

Read this latest newsletter.

Protect Cows, Build the Barn Roof!

The Geriatric Barn at ISCOWP
The old cows stay in the geriatric barn in winter. Ill and disabled cows stay here also.
Arthritic Bhima lives out his days at ISCOWP cow sanctuary.
Arthritic Bhima eats hay beneath the bowing rafters.

The project that we would like to do this summer is to replace the roof on the Geriatric barn. The Geriatric barn is our small barn which overall is approximately 70 ft X 70 ft. When we built this barn in 2004 we had access to some used tin roof from an abandoned coal mine. The price was right and we thought we would be able to plug the holes in the tin so it wouldn’t leak. We did a pretty good job of plugging the holes, but it always seemed like the roof leaked. We sanded and applied a roof grade paint on the old tin but again the elusive holes seemed to hide and the roof leaked.

At the end of the winter when the snow had melted off the roof, we noticed a dip in the roof. After taking a look at the roof from the inside, we could see that the supporting rafters were bowing under the pressure of the roof. While replacing the tin we can reinforce the rafters.

Because we have at least 5 cows/oxen in the Geriatric barn during the winter we would like to provide them a dry and secure barn before the winter snow once again weighs down on the roof. By having a leak free roof we will also be able to ensure that the wood support system for the tin roof will last many years in good condition.

Last summer we replaced the old tin roof on the Big Barn with good quality tin roof. This new roof has a baked enamel paint coating on it and makes for a very strong and good looking roof. The roofing material we will use for the Geriatric Barn will be the same roofing material and both barns standing next to each other will be very functional and attractive.

We have done the pricing of materials and labor and we calculate the cost of replacing the old roof with the new roof to be:

Tin Roof $3,500
Labor $4,000
Screws $150
Lumber $300
Nails $50
Hauling old tin to recycle $150
Total $8,150

Please help us get the geriatric barn roof replaced so the old, ill and disabled cows have a secure and dry place to stay. You can make a difference for them by donating online at:

Protect the Cows, Build the Barn Roof!



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