Hare Krishna!
In our last newsletter, you read of Maddy the dairy cow who was no longer producing enough milk and therefore was about to be sold for meat.Due to the generosity of ISCOWP members, Maddy was purchased from the dairy farmer! Read more in the first article. You also have another opportunity to save more cows. Please read about one of the most successful cow protection farms losing their ability to protect their cows and how you can help.
Also in this newsletter is the link and information about the latest issue of ISCOWP News which you can read online in PDF file or you can download onto your computer to print out if you wish. A hard copy of this newsletter is sent to all ISCOWP donors.Thank you so much!
Your servant and friend,
(Irene M. Dove)
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director
Maddy the Cow Update
In our last newsletter, we told you of Maddy the dairy cow who was no longer producing enough milk and was about to be sold for meat. Due to the generosity of ISCOWP members, Maddy was purchased from the dairy farmer!
We are waiting for her to be given some tests before she can pass the state lines. As soon as these tests are given and the results are in, transportation to the ISCOWP farm can be scheduled. Judy is working hard to make the arrangements happen as soon as possible. Once again, due to your generosity, we also have all the funds needed for these costs.
When Maddy arrives we will send out another newsletter of the wonderful event. We are also waiting for the first donor of $1000 to give Maddy a new name. So, hopefully when Maddy arrives we can start calling her by her new name. Together, we have saved one cow from slaughter! Thank you so much!

Save More Cows
Dear Devotees,
The new “Church Law” in Hungary will take away ISKCON Hungary’s church status as of January 1st requiring us to reapply for the same next year.
However the government has not provided any legal stipulation for the society’s continued ownership of KrsnaValley’s lands in the interim period until we are again re-registered. In short we risk losing KrsnaValley with no pasture for our cows or land to grow our food. I therefore request that you sign the online Petition -link below- and forward this message to as many people as possible, who would also petition against this injustice.
Thank you,
Sivarama Swami.

Latest ISCOWP News Online
To Read These Articles Click HERE
Some Articles:
Blood Milk vs Ahimsa Milk
Is Your Milk Really Ahimsa Milk?
ISCOWP Training Oxen Again
Global Warming and Geoengineering
Q & A: Milk and Oxen?
Maddy the Cow Is Saved!