ISCOWP Newsletters



This is the archive of ISCOWP News.  Click on the year below to see a list of topics that are featured in each issue & a link whereby you can view or download a pdf version of each issue. Herein are 26 years of newsletters with tons of information on all aspects of cow protection.

[toggle title=”2021″]

Change Your Diet, Go Plant Based (Revised & Updated)
Articles Include:
Plant Based Diet Improves Health, Your Diet Affects Climate Change, Plant Based Diet Helps Animals, Your Diet and Spirituality

[toggle title=”2017″]

Change Your Diet, Go Plant Based
Articles include:
Dear Friends, Plant Based Diet Improves Health, Your Diet Can Save the Earth, Your Diet Can Save Lives

[toggle title=”2014″]

Volume 24 Issue 1
Articles include:
Value of Milk and Cow Protection, What Does Lord Krsna Want?, What Does Srila Prabhupada Want?, Offering Commercial Milk Products to Krsna?, Srila Prabhupada’s Incremental instructions, Establishing Cow Protection, What About the Ox?, Krsna-dairians, The Choices You Have

Volume 24 Issue 2

Articles include:
Be a Vegetarian/Krsna Dairian & Stop World Hunger
Part 1: Cow Protection and Vegetarianism
Part 2: Diet Change Can Save the World
Our Father the Bull
Part 1: How Green is Your Tractor?
Part 2: Oxen Can Save the Planet.
How the Cow and Bull Benefit our Society
Part 1: Cow Dung and Urine, a Bio Resource
Part 2: Cow Manure is an environmental Hazard, Or is it?
Violence to the Cow and Bull Creates Violence to Humankind
Part 1: Why September 11? Animal Slaughter= War.
Part 2: The Cause of Animal Slaughter is a Godless Society

Volume 24 Issue 3
Articles include:
Your Matched Gift Saves Cows, Cows and their Friends, Eight Baby Calves Rescued, Old Friends Pass Away, Outreach, A Cook’s Dream, Projects

[toggle title=”2013″]

Volume 23 Issue 1
Articles include:
Diet Change, Your Matched Gift Saves Cows, Cows and Their Friends, Fencing, Baby Calves Rescued, Rudra was Hurt, Before and After; Clearing Pastures, Old Cow Shelter, Garden Bounty, Jeannie Rescued

[toggle title=”2012″]

Volume 22 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (How to care for ill and dying cows), Herdmates Remember Shyama, ISCOWP Farm Update, UN Urges Global Move to Meat and Dairy Free Diet, Ganda Needs Your Help!, Why Train Oxen?, Cow Grazing, Cow Happiness

Volume 22 Issue 2
Articles include:
Kiss My ox, Hawaii Ox Training, ISCOWP Update, The Yoga Of Cow Protection, I am Someone, Not Something, A Vetinary College Markets Cow Urine, Baby Bulls Rescued, Meat Consumption in China Now Double that in USA

[toggle title=”2011″]

Volume 21 Issue 1
Articles include:
Friends Pass Away, Geriatric Barn Roof Needs Your Help!, ISCOWP Farm Update, Ox Power In Slovakia, All About You, ISCOWP in Ukraine, Q & A: Want Milk?, Protecting Cows in Slovenia

Volume 21 Issue 2
Articles include:
Maddy the Cow is Saved!, Is Your Milk Ahimsa Milk?, Blood Milk vs Ahimsa Milk, Global Warming and Geo-engineering, ISCOWP Farm Update, Q & A: Milk and Oxen?, Lakshmi’s Kitchen

[toggle title=”2010″]

Volume 20 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Appreciations, New Cow Protection Books), ISCOWP Farm Update, Questions & Answers (ISCOWP’s future)), Home for Wayward Holsteins, Ukraine Highlight, All About You! (hear an 11 year old’s realizations), ISCOWP Outreach

Volume 20 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: (Bacteria in Cow Dung Good for You, Cows Absolved From Causing Global Warming, and more), Barn Roof Finished! Thank you!, Q & A: What are You Doing for Cow Protection?, Lakshmi’s Kitchen: Save Your Produce, All About You! (Why one member adopts a cow), Cow Protection in the Village

Volume 20 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: (Milk From Loved Cows, How Green Is Your Tractor Play), ISCOWP Travels (Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus), Barn Update, ISCOWP Farm Outreach on the Farm, All About You (Why the Cow?), Lakshmi’s Kitchen (How to Preserve Tomatoes), Ahimsa Mrdangas (The best Mrdangas), Q & A: Want Milk?

[toggle title=”2009″]

Volume 19 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Ox Training Video, Cow Urine as Soft Drink), Nanda Moves to Greener Pastures, Questions & Answers (Beginning Ox Training), Ox Training In Belarus, New Talavana Farm, All About You!, Practical Benefits of Cow Protection and Vegetarianism

Volume 19 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: Letters: (Cow Dung Floors, Your Magazine, Edible Seed Crops, Rethinking the Meat Guzzler), Emergency: Water for the Cows!, In Memory of Big Shyam, Questions & Answers: Calf Keeping, Swine Flu, Forest Bounty, 2nd European Farm Conference

Volume 19 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: ( Bailing Out the Dairy Industry, Meadow and her Prosthetic Legs,The Average Cow), All About You, Emergency: (Update) Water for the Cows!, In Memory of Jaya, In Memory of Ujala, Cow Protection at New Govardhana, Q & A: Ox Training

[toggle title=”2008″]

Volume 18 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Rathi the Ox, Grassy Ridge Oxen), ISCOWP Update, Brahman Cows and Ox Team Coming Soon, Tractor, an Implement of Destruction, Not an Unfeeling Object, Radharani Moves On, Luck of the Irish Cows

Volume 18 Issue 2

Articles include:
Bande Gomataram, European Cow Protection Farms, The Brahmans are Home!, ISCOWP Update, European Farm Conference, The Aging Farmer, Help ISCOWP Farm Outreach, All About You!

[toggle title=”2007″]

Volume 17 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Gou Sammelan Aftermath, Vishwa Gou Sammelan), Indian Cow Breeds, Cow Protection Around the Globe

Volume 17 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: Letters: (Vegans in Hummers Vs Biking Carnivores, Ox Power Currency, Saving African Child’s Life With Cow Dung, Animal Fat Becomes Key Biodiesel Ingredient), Jaya’s Fight Against Cancer, Pesticides: The Real Pest, Remove the Mud Campaign a Success, The Garden Needs YOUR Help!

Volume 17 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: (Hindu Youth into Cow Protection, A Very Inconvenient Truth by Capt. Paul Watson, Cont’d, Cow ’emissions’ more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars, Sri and Friends, The Secret Life of Cows), Garden Campaign Update, Cutting Edge Cow Care, Cow Dung/Bioresource, Life With The Cows and Landarty

[toggle title=”2006″]

Volume 16 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (McDonald’s Goes Bust, In Argentina, They’ve Got A Beef), Great Souls Pass Away, National Animal Identification System, NAIS, Educational Tour, Holistic Cow Care Seminar, Bird Flu: It’s What for Dinner

Volume 16 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: (Vegetarian Food, Cosmetics & Body Care Products Alert, World Grain Stocks Fall to 57 Days of Consumption: Supermarkets and Services Stations Now Competing for Grain), ISCOWP Update, ISCOWP Outreach, Life With the Cows and Land< Simple Life at Vraja-dhama, Working Villages, Inc., Facts

Volume 16 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: (Vraja and Related Stories, The Truth Behind the Spinach Scare: Cheap Beef), Timeline History of Vraja, Vraja Has Left Us, “Our New Ox Team” 1991 Spring ISCOWP News, Hazards of Biotechnology, Fencing, Apple Harvest Party

[toggle title=”2005″]

Volume 15 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Jersey Steer, Women can do it too?!, Dying Cow, Powdered Milk from Protected Cows?), ISCOWP Update, What Meat Means, Little Shyam, Renowned Ox Power Experts Meet, Farm Power Divide

Volume 15 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: (Hrimati Update, Farm Animals “need emotional TLC”, How Do I Dry Bitter Melon?, US Seeks Source of Mad Cow Infection, How Long are Calves Allowed to Suckle)? ISCOWP Update (Outreach, Earth Day, April 22, Temple University, Ambler Campus, Inspiration Festival, Cows, Hare Krishna Youth Ministry Workshop) Remove the Mud!, Agriculture and the Post Petroleum Era

Volume 15 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: (Putana’s Milk or Yasoda’s Milk?, Bitter Melon, Caring for the Elderly, Horse and Plow, Similarities Between the Horse and Ox), Harvest Workshop, Garden Diary, Veda Passed Away!, “Remove the Mud” Progress Report, The Future Belongs to Organic Farming, A Cowherd’s Diary, Preventing Illegal Slaughter

[toggle title=”2004″]

Volume 14 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Giving up Commercial Milk Saves Cows?), Donor Listing, Factoids, ISCOWP Profit and Loss Statement 2003, ISCOWP Financial Analysis 2003, ISCOWP Update, The Oil We Eat, Ox Power, Compassionate Use of Alternative Energy

Volume 14 Issue 2
Articles include:
Draupadi, First Annual Harvest Workshop, Wealth From the Garden, ISCOWP Cows, Loafing Shed Project, Cow Horn Ferilizer, Rudra Babaji the Garden Protector

[toggle title=”2003″]

Volume 13 Issue 1
Articles include:
ISCOWP Travels to India for Cow Protection, Donor Listing, A Short Review of 2002 ISCOWP Activities, ISCOWP Financial Report

Volume 13 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: (Cow Dung a Good Nuclear Shield?, SARS: The Rise of a Virus, Famous Krishna, A short Way From the Slaughterhouse to the Holocaust), ISCOWP Update, In Memory of Oxen, Mad cow Again, Carbonaro & Primavera, Man,s Best Friend

Volume 13 Issue 3

Articles include:
Letters: (Inflaming Red Meat, Meat Flavors, Why Vegans were Right, Urine of Cow a Sure Cure), ISCOWP Update, Panchakavya, A Manual, The Story of “Pretty Girl” and “Little Girl”, Cows-A Mother’s Love-Part I, Bullock Electricity, Cow Power, Bull Powered School Bus

[toggle title=”2002″]

Volume 12 Issue 1
Articles include:
The “Kamadhenu” Bullock Drawn Tractor, Rajasthan Goseva Sangh, ISCOWP Travels Through India for Cow Protection, IMCP Update

Volume 12 Issue 2

Articles include:
Letters:(Establishing a Viable Cow Protection Program), ISCOWP Update, The Hare Krsna Farm in Mysore, India, New Vraja-dhama Farm in Hungary

Volume 12 Issue 3

Articles include:
Letters: (Establishing a Viable Cow Protection Program Cont’d), Factoids, ISCOWP Update, ISKCON Farm of Uganda, Ox Power Unit,Why Does the Cow Chew Her Cud?

[toggle title=”2001″]

Volume 11 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (Cow Manure in Your Garden, New Calf), ISCOWP Update, Cow Exploitation – Mad Cow disease and Foot and Mouth disease, Cow Therapy, India Carriers Inc., IMCA Update

Volume 11 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: (Oxen Plowing, Western Cow are Pigs?), Ox Plowing in Agroforests, Western Cows are Pigs?, ISCOWP Update, Ox Power and Agroforestry, Homeopathic Cures for Cow Diseases, Ox Power vs Tractors, Jaipur Cow Protection

Volume 11 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: (Resources, Bottled Cow Urine,Village Life in 2 Countries, ISCOWP Update, Gita-nagari Ox Power Unit, Why September 11? Animal Slaughter = War, IMCPA Update, Realizations of a Teamster in Training page.

[toggle title=”2000″]

Volume 10 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters, (Extending Lactation in Cows, Machine Milking vs. Hand Milking, Family Owned Farms vs. Community Owned Farms, Milking Breeds, Milking Duration, Virgin Cow Giving Milk?),Training Lessons Revised, Mad Cow Disease and Humans, How to Make Your Own Butter, ISCOWP Update, World Ideologies as Explained by Reference to Cows

Volume 10 Issue 2
Articles include:
Letters: (One Varnasrama Dharma Possibility, Seeds, World Organic Commodity Exchange), Hidden Costs of Animal Factories, Ox Training Lessons Revised, Is Nothing Sacred?, God Against Cow Slaughter, ISCOWP Update, Cow Protection at Daund, India

Volume 10 Issue 3

Articles include:
Letters: (Don’t Wear Dead Animals on Your Feet, Re: One Varnasrama Dharma Possibility, Ox Power In Czech Republic), Planting Potatoes by Oxen in England, The Advantages to Be Derived From a More Extended Use of Oxen, Gopala, Cow Protection Organization in Serbia, Fighting Cow Abuse in India, ISCOWP Update

[toggle title=”1999″]

Volume 9 Issue 1
Articles include:
Letters: (The Transcendental Cows, Seeds, Open Pollinated Seed Sources, Sacred Cows are Wily Too; Just Try and Catch One, Animal Traction Contacts), Evaluation of Fiscal Year 98, Thank You For Your Contributions, ISCOWP Update, The Village System of Cow Protection

Volume 9 Issue 2

Articles include:
Letters: (101 Uses for Cow Dung, Milking Machines Suck, Blood Milk), Dung is gold mine, Meet the Cows and Oxen at Vrajapura farm, ISCOWP Update, Nose Rings? The experts say NO!, Belgium Cow Protection, Protected Cows in Serbia

Volume 9 Issue 3
Articles include:
Letters: (Rennet, Cows in Sub Tropical Zones, Oxen-A Teamsters Guide, Worshipping the Cow, Cows In Serbia Need Help, Little Report from Kazakstan, Cows with Pox, Ox Power Ki Jaya!), Milking – The Lost Art of Hand Milking, ISCOWP Update, Canning – A Way to Preserve Your Food, Consequences of Meat Consumption

[toggle title=”1998″]

Volume 8 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (Straw-bale Construction, Some Natural Remedies, Weaning a Calf From its Mother, Goshalla), Cow/Land Trusts, Farmer’s Gold = Cow Manure, Breeding, ISCOWP Update

Volume 8 Issue 2
Articles Include:
Letters: (Back to The Land, Saving Seeds, Straw-bale Construction), Minimum Cow Protection Standards, Meet the Cows and Oxen at Vrajapura Farm, ISCOWP Update

[toggle title=”1997″]

Volume 7 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (India, Bangladesh), Beginning ISCOWP’s Straw-Bale Home, Accomplishments of Vrajapura Farm Campaign, ISCOWP Outreach

Volume 7 Issue 2
Articles Include:
Letters: (Flies on Cows, Castrating Bulls, Cow Manure and Urine, Do Animals Have Feelings, Planning a Self-sufficient Farm), Energy Autonomous and Environmentally Clean Farm (EAECF), ISCOWP’s Basement House Has Been “Dried In”, ISCOWP Outreach, Minimum Cow Protection Standards, ISCOWP Update

Volume 7 Issue 3
Articles Include:
Letters: (Stop Cow Slaughter in India, Working Bulls, Training Oxen, Flies on Cows), Growing Rice and Wheat at New Talavan, Financial Report, Memories of My Boyhood in India, ISCOWP Update

[toggle title=”1996″]

Volume 6 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (India, Progress Report from Yugoslavia), Ox-Power Update from New Talavan, ISCOWP Barn Sold, Proposed ISCOWP Ox-Training Center, Sponsor a Teamster Campaign Update, India’s Cow Protection Threatened, Cuban plow Works in West Virginia’s Rocky Soil

Volume 6 Issue 2

Articles Include:
Building Vrajapura Farm, The War of the Roses, Forest Retreat, Water Resource Development, The Garden, Housing ISCOWP, Sponsor a Teamster Campaign Completed

Volume 6 Issue 3
Articles Include:
Letters: (India, California, Vermont, Florida, Argentina, Yugoslavia, An Offering for Srila Prabhupada, Financial Report, ISCOWP Outreach

[toggle title=”1995″]

Volume 5 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (Florence-Italy, Czech Republic, Chatenois-France, Helsinki-Finland, Good Wishes), Bio-Gas Plant, Seed to Sustenance Land Project Update, Financial Report, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Zucchini Bread

Volume 5 Issue 2
Articles Include:
Letters: (MOO, Milk Outrage Organization, Inc., University of Hawaii Hilo, Yugoslavia, Santa Cruz CA.), Bio-Gas Plant, ISCOWP Meets Howard Lyman, The Importance of Ox-Power at New Vrindaban, Seed to Sustenance, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Corn Bread

Volume 5 Issue 3
Articles Include:
Letters: (Italy, Brazil, Siberia, The Wonder of Nettle, Sweden, Winter Vegetables), Cow Protection in Yugoslavia, Bangladesh: Paper Makers, ISCOWP Update, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Healthy Vegetable Soup

Volume 5 Issue 4

Articles Include:
Letters: (Stoves, Housing, Oil Lamps, Sauna, Yokes/Harnesses, Progress in Yugoslavia, News from Bangladesh), Sponsor a Teamster Campaign Update, Financial Report, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Vegetable Semolina (Upma)

[toggle title=”1994″]

Volume 4 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (Love For Mother Cow, Vegetarianism, Earth Care, Cow Protection in India, New Members, Zebu-Brahman Cow Program), The Petrol-Powered Tractor: An Implement of Destruction, Financial Report, How to Make an Ox-Bow, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Old Fashioned Vegetarian Potato Salad

Volume 4 Issue 2
Articles Include:
Letters: (New Members Here & Abroad, Working Together, Beginning a Self-Sufficient Community, Saved From the Slaughterhouse, The Junior ISCOWP News), Saved From the Slaughter, Seed to Sustenance, Log House Construction, Water System Update, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Creamed Spinach

Volume 4 Issue 3
Articles Include:
Letters: (News From Africa, BTG article, Ideal Communities, Geeta Press, Public Relations, Implement Information, ISCOWP in India), ISCOWP Travels to Belarus, A Country Receptive to Ox-Power, Seed to Sustenance Report, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Honeyed Beets

Volume 4 Issue 4

Articles Include:
Letters: (Telling It As It Is, Self-Sufficiency in Perm Russia, Picture & Cooky Recipients, Cow Protection in Japan), Straw-Bale Construction, Installing ISCOWP in France, ISCOWP Barn Construction Progress Report, Ox-Power at New Talavan, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Sweet Potato Pie

[toggle title=”1993″]

Volume 3 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (Cow Protection Outreach Results, Support for Ox Power Sustainable Farming Project, ISCOWP Newsletter, Cow Protection in Other Parts of the World), From Seed To Sustenance, Seminars, Grains Produced by Ox Power, The Sacred Cow, July 4 – Washington D.C., Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Whole Wheat Bread

Volume 3 Issue 2

Articles Include:
Letters: (Inspired, Vivekananda Centenary [Vision 200], Love Those Cookies!, How Do You Do It?, BBS Networking, Vegetarianerforeningen), Spreading the Message of Cow Protection, Education: Training of the Teamster, Living in Harmony With the Earth, Logging With Oxen, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Eggplant, Tomato Stew

[toggle title=”1992″]

Volume 2 Issue 1
Articles Include:
Letters: (Like Those Cookies!, Junior Membership, McDonald’s, Bull Calf Training), How to Make a Yoke – Part 2, True Farmer’s Network, Third Lesson – Pulling, Water System Progress Report, Laksmi’s Kitchen – Yellow Split Pea Soup

Volume 2 Issue 2
Articles Include:
Letters: (Water System, Live Happily Off the Land, Visiting the Farm), How to Make a Yoke – Part 3, ISCOWP’s Travels, Summer 92, Laksmi’s Kitchen – Sauteed Rice With Poppy Seeds

Volume 2 Issue 3

Articles Include:
Letters: (In Appreciation, Junior Membership, Bull vs. Ox, Beyond Beef Campaign), On the Road to Self-Sufficiency – An Update Report, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Peanut Butter Cookies, How to Make a Yoke – Part 4

Volume 2 Issue 4

Articles Include:
Letters: (In Appreciation, Sharing the Joy, Horns? Nose Rings?, Local Independence & Interdependence, Veggies – Real Food for Smart People), Financial Report, Progress Report 92: “The Family That Milks Together Stays Together”, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Chapatis, Making the Irons, Seed Bank

[toggle title=”1991″]

Volume 1 Issue 1
Articles include:
Ventura County Fair, California Summer 1990

Volume 1 Issue 2
Articles include:
Our New Ox Team, Land Development, Financial Summary

Volume 1 Issue 3
Articles include:
Land Development Network News, ISCOWP’s Diary, Summer 1991, Ox Training – First Lesson, Training in the Ring

Volume 1 Issue 4
Articles include:
Ox Training – Second Lesson, the Commends “Gee” and “Haw”, How to Make a Yoke – Part 1, Land Development Network News, Laxmi’s Kitchen – Okra in Tomato Sauce

Volume 1 Issue 5
Articles include:
Financial Report, Accomplishments of 1991, Plans for 1992



RECENT NEWS Vegetarians may think they are morally and ethically doing well by not eating meat. It is true ...

Siya, her baby (now named Gopi), and Lalita (an orphaned calf) arrived at their forever home, ISCOWP cow sanctuary, on May 10. A s...

ISCOWP is in the process of saving a mother cow, her baby, and another calf whose mother died from a snake bite. Due to the genero...