
ISCOWP Outreach


Hare Krishna,

Last e-newsletter we wrote that we did not have enough funds to purchase and install the gutters on the large barn roof. Now the gutters are up! Thank you! We look forward to a drier barn this winter.

Much of the Help Us Get Ready for Winter campaign is completed except for purchasing a generator to back up the activities of ISCOWP when there is an electrical outage. The electricity went out just yesterday for a day and it reminded us how important it was to be prepared. One day is really not a problem but a week and more is a problem and that is how it happens here in the winter or in high winds which can happen anytime. To help out with purchasing the generator click this link: Help Us Get Ready for the Winter . All correspondence with you, food preservation, water is terminated with no electricity.

Balabhadra is now traveling and we have a brief report of the two places he has visited. Next issue we plan to have more to tell you.

(Irene M. Dove)
ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

Barn Gutters are Up!

New commercial gutters installed on cow barn at ISCOWP
The commercial 6 inch barn gutters are now up on the large barn roof! Thank you!

ISCOWP Travels

Balabhadra, president of ISCOWP and ISKCON Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture, is now touring Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Hungary, Germany and England. We have heard briefly from him about Lithuania and Belarus where he is presently. In these locations ox training and ox power are a reality and Balabhadra has been asked to contribute his knowledge and experience for the advancement of these activities, farm development and self-sufficiency.

Oxen training in Lithuania
Petras training Kaena and Balai in Lithuania.

“The teamster is Petras. The grey ox is Kaena which is another name for Krsna. The black and white ox is Balai ..another name for Balarama. Very sweet team. They know Up, Whoa, Haw and are now working on Gee and doing very well. Sweet disposition. Kaena is 6 months and Balai is 7 months old. Petras has done a good job. When asked to stand they will stand and will keep standing very nicely.” reported Balabhadra. To see more pictures of training oxen in Lithuania check out the ISCOWP Facebook album HERE.

Oxen training in Belarus
Trainer Ananda devi with new team at New Vraja Mandala Belarus

To see more pictures of ox power in Belarus take a look at the Facebook album HERE.

ISCOWP Outreach

Visiting a protected Brahmin oxen at ISCOWP
Terry and Jimmy Devine funded the purchase of Sri and recently came to visit him and help out at the ISCOWP farm.
Denver devotees in ISCOWP pantry
Nidra dasi and Terri from Denver and Rasa Priya from NV receiving their dried produce gifts from ISCOWP’s garden in the ISCOWP root cellar. Balabhadra is holding some apple butter made from our apple trees.
Gurukulis visit ISCOWP
NV Gurukulis visited ISCOWP on their hike through NV.
Visiting ISCOWP
Swetha Menon hugs Priya. She and her family visited ISCOWP and helped cut up Bitter Melon.
OSU leadership students tour ISCOWP
What’s the big attraction? The cows in the pasture of course! College student members of the Global Leadership Center at Ohio University came to visit the cows and are now researching “bovine reverence.”

Adopt a Cow

From England I traveled to Germany and the Happy Cow project. I was able to get into Germany with no weather related problems. It seemed that on this 8-country tour all of my weather related travel delays were on plane transfers in Germany.

Shyambihari picked me up at the Munich airport and we drove the 40 minutes to the Happy Kuh project. The weather wasn’t too bad for early December. We visited the cows, fed them, and put down clean bedding. Mother Sita Rani and her new son Sridhar met us in the house and we all had some prasadam.

Kalki the cow
Kalki the cow is looking for an adopter.


Madhava the protected Brown Swiss ox
Madhava is an ox who is partially adopted and wants someone to adopt him.

Congratulation to Kimberly Smith for adopting Jahnava who appeared in last month’s e-newsletter. To read about our Adopt A Cow program click HERE

Age: 15 years old cow
Breed: Holstein
Herd Status: Upper Middle Management
Nature: Sweetheart. Her best buddy is Vishaka. She is a little reserved until she gets to know you. Always nice to others, she is a pleasure to have in the herd. She likes apples and pears.

To Adopt Kalki click HERE.

Age: 4 year old ox
Breed: Brown Swiss
Herd Status: Everyone’s Friend
Nature: Perky, inquisitive, Mister Charismatic. He is very self-contained, very friendly and gets along with all the members of the herd. He has no false ego and is able to mingle with all levels of the herd without fear of being put in his place. He is extremely handsome and carries himself in a very aristocratic way. He and Kesava are partially trained as a team and are continuing their training.

To adopt Madhava Click HERE.



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