
Volume 3 Issue 1

Letters: (Cow Protection Outreach Results, Support for Ox Power Sustainable Farming Project, ISCOWP Newsletter, Cow Protection in Other Parts of the World), From Seed To Sustenance, Seminars, Grains Produced by Ox Power, The Sacred Cow, July 4 – Washington D.C., Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Whole Wheat Bread

Volume 3 Issue 2

Letters: (Inspired, Vivekananda Centenary [Vision 200], Love Those Cookies!, How Do You Do It?, BBS Networking, Vegetarianerforeningen), Spreading the Message of Cow Protection, Education: Training of the Teamster, Living in Harmony With the Earth, Logging With Oxen, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Eggplant, Tomato Stew

Volume 2 Issue 1

Letters: (Like Those Cookies!, Junior Membership, McDonald’s, Bull Calf Training), How to Make a Yoke – Part 2, True Farmer’s Network, Third Lesson – Pulling, Water System Progress Report, Laksmi’s Kitchen – Yellow Split Pea Soup

Volume 2 Issue 2

Letters: (Water System, Live Happily Off the Land, Visiting the Farm), How to Make a Yoke – Part 3, ISCOWP’s Travels, Summer 92, Laksmi’s Kitchen – Sauteed Rice With Poppy Seeds

Volume 2 Issue 3

Letters: (In Appreciation, Junior Membership, Bull vs. Ox, Beyond Beef Campaign), On the Road to Self-Sufficiency – An Update Report, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Peanut Butter Cookies, How to Make a Yoke – Part 4

Volume 2 Issue 4

Letters: (In Appreciation, Sharing the Joy, Horns? Nose Rings?, Local Independence & Interdependence, Veggies – Real Food for Smart People), Financial Report, Progress Report 92: “The Family That Milks Together Stays Together”, Lakshmi’s Kitchen – Chapatis, Making the Irons, Seed Bank

Volume 1 Issue 1

Ventura County Fair, California Summer 1990

Volume 1 Issue 4

Ox Training – Second Lesson, the Commends “Gee” and “Haw”, How to Make a Yoke – Part 1, Land Development Network News, Laxmi’s Kitchen – Okra in Tomato Sauce

Volume 1 Issue 2

Our New Ox Team, Land Development, Financial Summary

Volume 1 Issue 3

Land Development Network News, ISCOWP’s Diary, Summer 1991, Ox Training – First Lesson, Training in the Ring

Volume 1 Issue 5

Financial Report, Accomplishments of 1991, Plans for 1992