Organic Gardening

An Agricultural Testament
Pgs. 278 (1996)
By Albert Howard
The most famous organic farming book ever. How are invented the Indore method of composting. His plants were so healthy, he would intentionally release pests on them to show people how resistant they were. The classic, long out of print, has now been reissued as a joint publication of the Other India Press, Earth-care Books and Third World Network.

The Encyclopedia of Natural Insect and Disease Control
by Roger B. Yepsen
ISBN 0-87857-488-3 Hardcover
Available from Rodale Press
The most comprehensive guide to protecting plants-vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, and lawns-without toxic chemicals.

The New Organic Grower
by Eliot Coleman
Third Edition, ISBN 0-930031-22-9
Available from Chelsea Green Publishing Co.
This is the best practical book on small-scale farming I’ve read in years.
(Pat Stone, Mother Earth News)
Eliot Coleman’s new book will help market gardeners establish the vital-and-profitable link between farm and city during the 1990’s. Every small-scale grower and serious gardener should have a copy. (Robert Rodale)

The New Organic Grower’s Four-Season Harvest: How to Harvest Fresh Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long
by Elliot Coleman.
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, PO Box 130, Rt 113,Post Mills VT 05058-0130, USA. ISBN 0-930031-57-1, 212 pages.
Eliot Coleman now shows you how to produce fresh, delicious, healthy food from your home garden year-round. He shows you how to harvest organically-grown vegetables throughout the coldest months in all climate zones with very little extra time or effort. His success depends on growing a large variety of vegetables each suited to their season and on simple, inexpensive designs for cold frames, unheated mobile greenhouses, and root cellars.

The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook 
by Phillip A. Wheeler, Ph.D. & Ronald B. Ward,
paperback 236 pages
In this readable, easy-to-understand handbook the authors explain:

  • What’s wrong with conventional agriculture
  • Weeds – their role in nature and control
  • Insects – why they attack crops and how to stop them
  • Soil testing and analysis – and acting upon the results
  • On-farm methods of soil and plant tissue testing
  • Soil fertility and fertilizers
  • PH, lime, N, P & K, and other major and minor nutrients
  • Working with foliar feeds to maximize crop health and production

Rodale’s All-New Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
Available from Rodale Press
Editor: Fern Marshall Bradley
ISBN 0-87857-999-0 Hardcover
ISBN 0-87596-599-7 Soft cover
Indispensable resource for any organic gardener

Weeds, Control Without Poisons
by Charles Walters, Jr.
Charles Walters, founder and longtime editor of *AcresU.S.A.*, has revised and expanded his now classic text on the secrets that weeds reveal to us about our soil. For a thorough understanding of theconditions that produce certain weeds, you simply can’t find a better source than this one – certainly not one as entertaining, as full of anecdotes[stories] and home-spun common sense.