Watch how two bull calves were rescued from a dairy eight years ago, and their journey from then till now with a 3-year-old boy who became their friend. How fast the bull calves become huge! The then and now of both calves and boy is a real lesson in “changing bodies.”
About the Cow

From the earliest days throughout the world before the time of diesel-powered machines, the cow and bull had an essential role in human survival. The bull was considered the father of humanity because he provided foods by tilling the earth. The cow was considered the mother because she provided milk, which was a very nutritious food for survival. Both the cow and bull, at least in India, were treated well because it was understood how important they were to human survival. Of course, life has drastically changed today, but there is much doomsday talk after so many unexpected disastrous events have occurred. There is also much talk of survival by developing sustainable agricultural practices that show more respect for the earth and its animals. We look forward to a time when the cow and bull are no longer slaughtered for their milk and meat but accepted and respected for the vital role they are capable of playing for the world’s survival.
Since this is ISCOWP’s 30th year, we are presenting photos from the past. The photo above is from the ISCOWP News 1994. It is a group photo of a cow protection seminar given by Balabhadra, 4th from right, in Belarus. This seminar was ISCOWP’s first international travel outreach. Balabhadra is also known as William E. Dove, and he was and is currently president of ISCOWP. Here is an excerpt from the 1994 issue, ” We found simple living in the Belarus countryside to be a reality, not a theory, self-sufficiency a necessity and working with animals a practical energy force.” You can research all our newsletters in PDF file beginning in 1991 on our website.
About the Meat and Dairy Industries
The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) published in 2019 a study, Climate Change and the Global Dairy Sector, The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future. The study states ” With demand for high-quality animal sourced protein increasing globally, the dairy sector is well placed to contribute to global food security and poverty reduction through the supply of dairy products. In so doing, it is essential that sector growth is sustainable in terms of the environment, public and animal health and welfare and in terms of development, poverty alleviation and social progress. This study is a further step to enable an open dialogue around options, choices and impacts.”
According to the FAO, the “dairy sector’s GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) emissions have increased by 18 percent between 2005 and 2015 because overall milk production has grown substantially by 30 percent, in response to increased consumer demand. Between 2005 and 2015, the global dairy herd increased 11 percent. At the same time, average global milk yield increased by 15 percent.”
Now is a strategic time to introduce Ahimsa dairying to the powers that be. For the consumption of dairy that does exist, let its production be humane and compassionate. At the same time, intake reduction of milk and milk products is a good idea for the sake of the cows and the environment.