
Volume 11 Issue 2

Letters: (Oxen Plowing, Western Cow are Pigs?), Ox Plowing in Agroforests, Western Cows are Pigs?, ISCOWP Update, Ox Power and Agroforestry, Homeopathic Cures for Cow Diseases, Ox Power vs Tractors, Jaipur Cow Protection

Volume 11 Issue 3

Letters: (Resources, Bottled Cow Urine,Village Life in 2 Countries, ISCOWP Update, Gita-nagari Ox Power Unit, Why September 11? Animal Slaughter = War, IMCPA Update, Realizations of a Teamster in Training page.

Volume 10 Issue 1

Letters, (Extending Lactation in Cows, Machine Milking vs. Hand Milking, Family Owned Farms vs. Community Owned Farms, Milking Breeds, Milking Duration, Virgin Cow Giving Milk?),Training Lessons Revised, Mad Cow Disease and Humans, How to Make Your Own Butter, ISCOWP Update, World Ideologies as Explained by Reference to Cows

Volume 10 Issue 2

Letters: (One Varnasrama Dharma Possibility, Seeds, World Organic Commodity Exchange), Hidden Costs of Animal Factories, Ox Training Lessons Revised, Is Nothing Sacred?, God Against Cow Slaughter, ISCOWP Update, Cow Protection at Daund, India

Volume 10 Issue 3

Letters: (Don’t Wear Dead Animals on Your Feet, Re: One Varnasrama Dharma Possibility, Ox Power In Czech Republic), Planting Potatoes by Oxen in England, The Advantages to Be Derived From a More Extended Use of Oxen, Gopala, Cow Protection Organization in Serbia, Fighting Cow Abuse in India, ISCOWP Updat

Volume 9 Issue 1

Letters: (The Transcendental Cows, Seeds, Open Pollinated Seed Sources, Sacred Cows are Wily Too; Just Try and Catch One, Animal Traction Contacts), Evaluation of Fiscal Year 98, Thank You For Your Contributions, ISCOWP Update, The Village System of Cow Protection

Volume 9 Issue 2

Letters: (101 Uses for Cow Dung, Milking Machines Suck, Blood Milk), Dung is gold mine, Meet the Cows and Oxen at Vrajapura farm, ISCOWP Update, Nose Rings? The experts say NO!, Belgium Cow Protection, Protected Cows in Serbia

Volume 9 Issue 3

Letters: (Rennet, Cows in Sub Tropical Zones, Oxen-A Teamsters Guide, Worshipping the Cow, Cows In Serbia Need Help, Little Report from Kazakstan, Cows with Pox, Ox Power Ki Jaya!), Milking – The Lost Art of Hand Milking, ISCOWP Update, Canning – A Way to Preserve Your Food, Consequences of Meat Consumption

Volume 8 Issue 1

Letters: (Straw-bale Construction, Some Natural Remedies, Weaning a Calf From its Mother, Goshalla), Cow/Land Trusts, Farmer’s Gold = Cow Manure, Breeding, ISCOWP Update

Volume 8 Issue 2

Letters: (Back to The Land, Saving Seeds, Straw-bale Construction), Minimum Cow Protection Standards, Meet the Cows and Oxen at Vrajapura Farm, ISCOWP Update

Volume 7 Issue 1

Letters: (India, Bangladesh), Beginning ISCOWP’s Straw-Bale Home, Accomplishments of Vrajapura Farm Campaign, ISCOWP Outreach

Volume 7 Issue 2

Letters: (Flies on Cows, Castrating Bulls, Cow Manure and Urine, Do Animals Have Feelings, Planning a Self-sufficient Farm), Energy Autonomous and Environmentally Clean Farm (EAECF), ISCOWP’s Basement House Has Been “Dried In”, ISCOWP Outreach, Minimum Cow Protection Standards, ISCOWP Update