
Since the last e-newsletter in April much has happened. The new barn was completed, we moved into the new ISCOWP center (still put...

Asha right before leaving her body. Asha passed away April 11, 2016 on Sri Ramanujacarya’s appearance day. After one month o...

Solar energy will power ISCOWP center. We have installed 103 solar panels on the south facing roof of the main ISCOWP building whi...

In January we offered arati and treats to the cows. In previous years when we did this at the same time it was quite an austerity ...

We are happy to announce ISCOWP is officially in Florida. We found the Florida property in March and by December 5 we have success...

The entire ISCOWP herd is now in Florida. They all arrived there without incident and they have all adjusted nicely to their new e...

Balabhadra has been hauling the cows from West Virginia to Florida. It is a 16 to 20 hour trip one way depending on the variables....

In the first group of cows to travel from ISCOWP West Virginia to ISCOWP Florida were Abhay, Akshobhya, Padmaganda and Meenakshi. ...

We are happy to report progress in establishing ISCOWP in Florida. The two barns are built, the entire perimeter of the property h...

Kurma Rupa prabhu, a dear friend, passed from this material world a few days ago. Only about a week ago he was diagnosed with stag...

There has been a lot of internal self-examination in the last couple of months. We have hit the 25 year mark of ISCOWP’s exi...

Hare Krsna! Kalindi Vijaya had a joyful arrival Sunday March 15. Thank you so much all ISCOWP members who helped to rescue Kalindi...